领衔主演: Raymond Law .... PFC Forsch (PX Clerk)
影片类型: 动作片
出产地区: 欧美地区
Based on the true story of the only homicide committed on the famed San Francisco Military base. A military Criminal Investigations Officer goes beyond his orders to get to the facts behind what appears to be a robbery-motivated killing. What he finds may well unravel his damaged mental health.
在旧金山一个马上就要废弃的军事基地里,阿特金中士的妻子无端被杀,军事警察查德介入调查,随着一个个嫌疑人的排除,案情陷入了扑朔迷离的境地,最后查出来的凶手会是谁呢 |