一個失意的銀行家“比爾”在洛杉磯某餐廳邂逅一位非法移民的拉丁女子“安琪”;安琪蝸居在一大廈的天台上,俯視夜幕下的燈紅酒綠,兩人通過對美國文化、政治、性的深入探討,昇華為在天台上上演一幕幕肢體語言的激情宣洩。在上空巡視直升機、樓頂上的破舊沙發、吊床上的衝動勾畫出一幅性趣黯然的世俗畫卷...... 碟片點評:電影在歐美地區小範圍上映後引起了爭議,除了某些政治寓意外,本片露骨的激情場景就是焦點所在。其中幾段KJ、網床ZW、三人行戲全部是步兵級演出。2011年11月美一區DVD版,推出了優質D9版,收錄了許多性愛場景,畫質表現尚可,其中一段尺度直逼X級。
Sex, politics and American culture are mixed into a combustible combination inNow & Later. Angela (Shari Solanis) is an illegal Latina immigrant livingin Los Angeles who stumbles across Bill (James Wortham), a disgraced banker onthe run. She takes him in. Through passionate sex, soul-searching conversationsranging from politics to philosophy, and other worldly pleasures, Angelaintroduces Bill to another worldview. As their affair heats up, the course ofBill's life begins to take an abrupt and unexpected turn.
The film was conceived by the director in reaction to American's penchant forviolence in our culture and our puritanical censoring of anything involvingsex. Familiar with philosopher Wilhelm Reich's notion that a sexually repressedsociety turns into a violent one, Diaz makes an unabashedly sexual yet cerebralfilm that challenges the perception that sex in media is harmful.