Albany: We claim this castle in the name of the rebellion!
Albany: [Calls down to King John] You are no more a king than the boil on my arse! [Turns to his
friend] What a tedious little man.
Marshall: Have you ever killed a man, squire? It is not a noble thing. Not even when it is for God!
Marshall:你杀过人吗?这不是什么高尚的事情,就算是以上帝的名义也不行。 作者: 3junfk 时间: 2012-6-17 08:59
赤裸裸的暴力和无情的写实主义为本片加分不少。作者: SIEN 时间: 2012-6-19 21:30
多谢楼主奉献。谢谢。作者: 苍狼之舞 时间: 2012-6-23 00:24
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