John Wargo is a Professor of Risk Analysis and Political Science, and is Chair of the Yale College Environmental Studies Major. He has written and lectured extensively on the limits and potential of environmental law. He wrote Green Intelligence: Creating Environments that Protect Human Health (Yale Press 2009), which is the primary text used in this course. The book won the Independent Publishers' Gold Medal Award in the field of "environment, ecology, and nature" for 2010 and was chosen as one of Scientific American's favorite books for 2009. He also wrote Our Children's Toxic Legacy: How Science and Law Fail to Protect Us from Pesticides (Yale Press 1998) that won the American Association of Publishers award as the best book in the field of political science. Professor Wargo has participated in several National Academy of Sciences committees, testified before Congress, and been an advisor to the White House, the World Health Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization, the EPA, USDA, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on environmental threats to health.
1. Course Overview: Science and Law
2. Principals and Strategies in Environmental Law
3. Nuclear Experiments
4. Nuclear Secrecy and Ecology
5. Preparing for War: NEPA
6. Marine Food Chains: Mercury
7. Site Restoration Law
8. Chemically Dependent Agriculture
9. Risk and Law: Pesticide Paradigm
10. Safe Drinking Water: Science and Law
11. Safety Claims and Free Speech: Preemption and Defamation
12. Air Quality Law: Margins of Safety
13. Vehicle Emissions and Public Transit
14. The Quiet Revolution in Plastics
15. The Tobacco Paradigm
16. Evolution of Tobacco Law
17. Land Use and Conservation Law: The Adirondack History
18. Property Rights and Public Lands Management
19. Land Use Law and Property Rights
20. Managing Coastal Conservation and Development
21. Certification: Design and Green Architecture
22. The Past and Future of Nuclear Power
23. Renewable Energy Policies
24. Reflections and Lessons