Robert J. Shiller是Yale大学Arthur M. Okun经济学讲座教授和Yale大学管理学院国际金融中心研究员. Shiller教授的研究领域包括行为金融学和房地产,并在“金融经济学杂志”,“美国经济评论”,“金融学杂志”,“华尔街杂志”和“金融时报”等著名刊物发表文章. 主要著作包括“市场波动”,“宏观市场”(凭借此书他获得了TIAA-CREF的保罗 A. 萨缪尔森奖),“非理性繁荣和金融新秩序:二十一世纪的风险” 。
Robert J. Shiller is Arthur M. Okun Professor of Economics at Yale University and a Fellow at the International Center for Finance at the Yale School of Management. Specializing in behavioral finance and real estate, Professor Shiller has published in Journal of Financial Economics, American Economic Review, Journal of Finance, Wall Street Journal, and Financial Times. His books include Market Volatility, Macro Markets (for which he won the TIAA-CREF's Paul A. Samuelson Award), Irrational Exuberance and The New Financial Order: Risk in the Twenty-First Century.
1. Finance and Insurance as Powerful Forces in Our Economy and Society
2. The Universal Principle of Risk Management: Pooling and the Hedging of Risks
3. Technology and Invention in Finance
4. Portfolio Diversification and Supporting Financial Institutions (CAPM Model)
5. Insurance: The Archetypal Risk Management Institution
6. Efficient Markets vs. Excess Volatility
7. Behavioral Finance: The Role of Psychology
8. Human Foibles, Fraud, Manipulation, and Regulation
9. Guest Lecture by David Swensen
10. Debt Markets: Term Structure
11. Stocks
12. Real Estate Finance and Its Vulnerability to Crisis
13. Banking: Successes and Failures
14. Guest Lecture by Andrew Redleaf
15. Guest Lecture by Carl Icahn
16. The Evolution and Perfection of Monetary Policy
17. Investment Banking and Secondary Markets
18. Professional Money Managers and Their Influence
19. Brokerage, ECNs, etc.
20. Guest Lecture by Stephen Schwarzman
21. Forwards and Futures
22. Stock Index, Oil and Other Futures Markets
23. Options Markets
24. Making It Work for Real People: The Democratization of Finance
25. Learning from and Responding to Financial Crisis, Part I (Guest Lecture by Lawrence Summers)
26. Learning from and Responding to Financial Crisis, Part II (Guest Lecture by Lawrence Summers)
Final Exam