【剧名】Make It Or Break It
ABC家庭频道的夏季新剧《体操公主》讲述一位体操少女追求奥运梦想并勤学苦练的青春励志故事。本剧虽然没有明说以Shawn Johnson(肖恩·约翰逊,北京奥运会女子全能银牌得主)为原型,但与她的成长史有很大关系。特别是Shawn Johnson今年赢得了真人秀《与星共舞》(Dancing with the Stars)的冠军,人气迅速窜红。
Welcome to the make-or-break world of competitive gymnastics, where the intensity of competition is matched only by the drama of life off the mat. Emily Kmetko (Chelsea Hobbs) is thrilled when she joins a team of Olympic hopefuls, but fitting in -- like everything else -- won't be easy. Her teammates include the top gymnast Payson Keeler (Ayla Kell), super-talented Kaylie Cruz (Josie Loren), the ultra-competitive Lauren Tanner (Cassie Scerbo), and resident hottie Carter Anderson (Zachary Burr Abel). Together they'll train, compete, fight, cry, laugh, bond, make up, break up, and grow up -- all in pursuit of a spot on the U.S. Olympic Team and a shot at the one thing every gymnast dreams about: a perfect routine.