事实上,在被改编成电影之前,《急速赛车》的fans群体就已经扩充到跨越多种文化的几代人身上了。原著动画来源于一套日本漫画书系列,其作者是漫画界的先锋人物吉田龙夫,那时候它的名字叫《王牌驾驶员》(Pilot Ace)。到了1967年,漫画书被拍成了电视节目,名字则叫《飞车小英雄》(Mach Go Go Go)……差不多6个月后,这套系列就被带到美国,变成英语配音的卡通剧《急速赛车》。
Trixie: Move it, Speed! It's getting ugly out there!
Pops Racer: You think you can drive a car and change the world? It doesn't work like that!
Speed: Maybe not, but it's the only thing I know how to do and I gotta do something.
Mr. Royalton: You walk away from me, you walk away from this deal, no matter how well you drive, you won't win, you won't place. I guarantee you right now you won't even finish the race!
Minx: [about Speed] He's going to be very good.
Racer X: He's going to be the best, if they don't destroy him first.
Speed: Racing is everything. For my family, it isn't just a sport, it's way more important than that... it's like... a religion.
Teacher: [to Speed's mother] Your son seems to be interested in only one thing. All he talks about, all he seems capable of thinking about... is automobile racing.
Racer X: Every one of us has to find a reason to do this. You don't get climb into a T-180 to be a driver. You do it because you're driven.